Saturday, January 15, 2011

bandsaw magic

Always thought this video was cool.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Vascular: Neurosis

about 1/4 of the way finished (if that)
 I guess for now I am calling this Vascular 2.This is the first plate of two. It measures 12" x 4" x 1". When completed it will be 12" x 4" x 2". It is made of Basswood and is different from Vascular 1 in that each plate is woven rather then having the appearance of being woven.
roughing in
 The main challenge for me in this piece is that, Basswood being very soft for a hard wood, is clearing the gaps without breaking each vein. As you can tell in the above picture I haven't been keeping my blades as sharp as they should be and so I am getting a lot of rough cuts (the staircase effect on the lower right side).
first gap cleared
 I started using 220 grit sand paper to shape the veins due to their fragility.
close up of first gap

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Bloodwood and Purpleheart
5 1/2" x 5 1/2" x 1/2"

This was merely a proof of concept. The two wood are their natural colours and with a little Tung Oil added the colours really popped. Despite being hardwoods the Purpleheart tends to cleave very easily which makes working on such a thin piece difficult.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Banksia Pod


This is a Banksia pod. I originally bought this on on a whim. People usually turn these into various things but I had the bright idea of caving it...duh.

Vascular defined

vascular (ˈvæskjʊlə)— adj
biology, anatomy of, relating to, or having vessels that conduct and circulate liquids: a vascular bundle ; the blood vascular system

The Vascular project was inspired by the intricacies of the ever changing mind. Feelings inward and outward. Loving & being loved, hating & being hated, creating, dreaming, living, reaching out & reaching in.

Sunday, January 9, 2011



This is a stylized bird I did in Padauk which is a wood from India. This piece is about 5" long and about 1 1/2" tall.


Not yet finished but on of my favourite carvings.